Things have been going okay. Driving has been awesome. I took not one, but TWO leisurely drives on Sunday. I even tested my memory to see if I could remember how to get to Miguel's house, and I did remember haha (Sarah drove us both home a few weeks ago). I just drove by it though. I don't think he was home anyway because there was a play performance that day.
I walk through the music hallway at the end of the day because the entrance by it is closest to where I park. Today, I saw Miguel and this other guy practicing a dance move by the choir room. I said to Miguel that my mom said she saw him and some other guys at Hollister yesterday. He did that "staring looking at my face" thing. And he just kept looking (and I was like 5 inches from his face >__<). He's like "Huh?" and I repeated myself. And he's like "Yeah".. and I'm like "Yeah so...", and I continued on walking to the door. Haha I act so brainless sometimes :P
My last show choir competition is this weekend. I'm really excited. Maybe Miguel noticed that I've been acting really nervous and brain-dead around him and he caught my drift.. haha.. then maybe he'll actually watch Avatar on the bus with me (unlike last time..). :P I hope this is going somewhere.
This movie we watched in health class hot got me really freaked out. It's called "No One Would Tell", and it has Candace Cameron (DJ from "Full House") and Fred Savage (from "The Wonder Years" and "The Princess Bride") in it, and they play characters named Stacy and Bobby. The movie is about how Stacy and Bobby start dating. Then Bobby starts being a really huge jerk, getting extremely jealous when he sees Stacy with other guys, and he physically abuses her really badly. Of course, Stacy thinks it'll all work out, and she kinda denies that he's even doing anything to her.
Eventually, she breaks up with him. He calls her up one night and asks her to come over to his house to give him a haircut (she gives him haircuts throughout the movie, so it's not that weird). They get in a fight at his house, and Stacy goes outside and cools off. Bobby comes out of the house, trying to calm her down saying "Come on, I'll take you home". They get in his car and they drive away. He doesn't take her home. Instead, he takes her to the lake where they had their first date. He tries to talk to her saying, "I want to be together forever.. you said we'd be together forever". She says, "No! I'll always remember what we HAD, and that's it" and then she tries to walk away, but Bobby embraces her and you just see him pull out a knife behind Stacy's back. He turns her around and holds Stacy's arms behind her back, and Stacy saw the knife and is like "Bobby no! What are you doing??! I love you Bobby.. please no!". The camera pulls away and all you see is her face drop and she falls down on the ground.
Ok, if that wasn't ridiculous enough.. he drags her body near the lake, wraps her body in black tarp, and ties it up. He takes the body in a canoe out to the middle of the lake and throws the body into the water. He comes back to his car to where his friend is waiting, and his friend's like "Bobby.. what did you do. What the he*l did you do?" and Bobby says, "If I can't have her, then no one can." He got in prison for life, serves him right the little sick-o psycho loser dumb piece of crap. It was creepy. And ridiculous because you totally weren't expecting it. And this movie shows on Lifetime!
Anyways. Ok.
I'm hungry. And I have homework.
Laterzzz. アデュー!
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