When you just have to escape
"hey dont say my dads bad.. ur not even in it anymore.... cuz everyone thought u were really boring"At first I thought "Umm, what the heck?". So I sent him a message saying "Um, who the heck are you?" He replied back saying:
"my dad is the one u were talking sh*t about........ he sings in that McDonaldsThen, I replied saying (trying to be as calm and mature as possible):
American Idol. he sings in weddings and plus the sound system sucks.. ok? y r u
saying this about him.."
"if the sound system sucks than how did anyone advance/get eliminated? that
competition isn't even based on talent.. they shouldn't have called it
"mcidol"... they should have called it "who can bring the most people to
mcdonalds so mcdonalds can get business on tuesday nights". so?? i sing in show
choir, your dad sings in weddings.. what point are you trying to make? and i
wasn't talking "crap" about him. i was just saying it wouldn't be fair if he
won, because he's not the best singer. i know i wasn't the best singer, because
there were better singers. and if i was "boring", why did about 10 people come
up and ask me what my name and order number was the last time i was there? you
proved nothing in sending me this message. leave me alone please."
"1st... anyone who knows anything about sound systems knows THAT sound system SUCKS!...and maybe your right about who can bring the most ppl....maybe u dont know enough ppl...hell your sister wasnt even there!...ok u sing in show choir...my dad gets PAID to sing in weddings.... and its your opinion he's not the best singer and shouldn't win...cuz the second night he sang ppl came up to him and said ...we know whos gonnna win this contest......maybe you have talent but ppl thought you were boring cuz you didnt get the ppl involved....the only thing i wanted to prove was... u should think before u speak ....and hey its no problem leaving u alone"
" 'u should think before u speak' "
that's the pot calling the kettle black. you're the one who messaged me.
my sister wasn't there because she's in jazz band and they have practice on tuesday nights.
this conversation is over. i don't even know why i even bother..
I'm really bored. Tomorrow, I have to:
I've been really torn up inside lately. I think the thing that I want isn't really what I wanted after all. I just don't know anymore. I just really need a friend.. I really need people to confide in and love. I need a true friend.
I'm thinking about going for a leisurely drive after church tomorrow. I just really need to do something to calm me.
The play was really great. My school really is great for the most part. We have alot of talented people. Anyway, after the play, all the people who were in it lined up outside the auditorium. I hugged and briefly talked to some of my friends who were in it. One of my friends, his name is Chico, asked me if I liked it, and I said that I had high expectations and that they were fufilled, haha. He gave me a nice friendly hug, and I really enjoyed it because I hadn't had a hug like that in a long time. I think I'm getting to be really good friends with him and his girlfriend (she's a little cutie!).
The guy I'm interested was in the play too, as I've said before.. hmm.. well, I really don't know how things are going with that. =X
Augh, I don't know what I'm going to do.
I know what I'm going to do now, though.
Sleep. 寝たいんだ。